Anita is an educator and active instrument of transformation. An awakened teacher, conscious leader and business woman, spiritual guide and author of mystical poetry.

I am a spiritual teacher, grounded in business, having been a global entrepreneur for over 23 years. I am logical, practical, heart-centred and intuitive, a coach, mentor, and facilitator.

I walk the devotional path and practice as a soul-led business woman, integrating conscious leadership and spirituality into everyday life and work.

All is given to me as Divine Grace with the purpose of being of service as a teacher to others seeking Truth, Light, Love, Transformation and Guidance on their unique life journeys and accessing their Higher Selves and Purpose.

My life’s work is an example of living aligned to Higher Principles, Truth, in Obedience to the Divine, aligned with my soul’s Higher Purpose.

This has come through many trials, tests, challenges, loss, grief, trauma, as well as divine Grace, Bliss, Love, Shakti and experiences gained directly from life, work, grounded in practices, and love for the Creator and life itself.

I offer a peaceful and safe space for my clients – whether in person or online – filled with pure love, light and healing energy, powerful transmissions of divine soul guidance to my clients, and practical, grounded tools and processes to empower each person with their unique change, and transformation process.

The foundations of my work through innerflow are:

Organic, natural, intuitive, guided, creative, structured, practical, and fused with heart-filled energy and masterful practices.

Anita Craig


Traditional ways of life, business and being in the world aren’t delivering the results we as individuals require, moving into the future, or what the world needs now.

By connecting you to your authentic inner blueprint – a multi-dimensional, creative, heart-centered, whole-person and leader – you will not only be able to effect positive transformation within your own life, but will be living aligned to your Higher Purpose, collectively leading to the exponential conscious shift and evolution of our world.


I help connect you to your authentic and true blueprint and to live from your Higher Self to fulfil your purpose.