Towards a new world of work
The future of work is unfolding faster than anyone expected. Even before the pandemic, the impact of technology was affecting, not only the way people do their jobs but changing the types of jobs people do – requiring new ways of thinking, doing and being at work.
But it is not only the impact of technology that is creating a new world of work. Behind the movement to radically reimagine our organisations is a call for a new kind of leadership: More conscious, more aware, and more awake.
The shift in perception – from business enterprise to socially responsible enterprise was defined by Deloitte Insights in 2019 as:
‘… an organization whose mission combines revenue growth and profitmaking with the need to respect and support its environment and stakeholder network. This includes listening to, investing in, and actively managing the trends that are shaping today’s world. It is an organization that shoulders its responsibility to be a good citizen (both inside and outside the organization), serving as a role model for its peers and promoting a high degree of collaboration at every level of the organisation.’
Yet, to reinvent organisations with a human focus demands that we approach the people within them, differently. It means no longer seeing people simply as resources but as beings with agency, influence and power.
Where traditional organisations favour top-heavy hierarchies and command and control-type leadership, increasingly we are seeing organisational structures flatten out in favour of more cross-functional, cooperative and collaborative ways of working.
The leaders in these types of organisations require new types of skills: Empathy, compassion, self-awareness, and wisdom.
These are precisely the skills that my clients learn to work with during our journey together, that aims to empower them to become leaders, enablers and influencers of positive and ethical change in their workplaces.
As founder of innerFLOW, I have created the experience to be both transformative and timely i.e.
“By developing one’s inner strengths and inter-connectedness in a mindful, intentional and conscious way, my clients come to enjoy masterful, meaningful and powerful engagement with others, and the world.”
Find out more about my coaching services and programs today and how this can support you.
Are you ready to learn new skills that contribute to awakening your workplace? Take the first step. Book your first free call with me.
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