Connecting our inner life with our life at work

Connecting our inner life with our life at work

We are all works in progress

The workplace will always be a place of tension, and sometimes even conflict.
Daniel Coyle, author of the ground-breaking book, The Culture Code, says it best:

“The idea that you can all agree all the time and not have tension is a huge fallacy. Great teams leverage tension as a source for innovation.”

But what does it take to turn tension into something positive and inspirational?

The solution is reframing.

Coyle says, “If you can change the way you think about tension, from being a source of pain to a source of energy, you’re off to a good start.”

With increasing numbers of organisations embracing agile, where scrums and stand-ups are the norm, it serves us all well to have at our disposal some inner tools for channeling our energy, and dealing with tension.

Embodied mindfulness and self-awareness are two such tools. Both are central to the inner work that aims to empower people to become enablers of positive and ethical change in their workplaces, and beyond. I try to sum it up simply for my clients:

“Clients are taught how to become more aware and awake to themselves, others, and the outside environment.”

Combining 25 years plus of teaching experience, trainings, specialist skills, business and leadership savvy, and wisdom to guide you, my innerFLOW 1:1 coaching program helps each person to reach inside… and connect and equip yourself profoundly with the world around you.

Find out more about the program by registering for an initial 30min free clarification and connection session today.


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