Are you feeling the call to live and lead from a heart-centred, purposeful and powerful place?
Have you been experiencing a lack of direction, motivation, overwhelm and even exhaustion, coming into 2022?
Are you ready to make new, impactful choices, re-charge and upgrade your energy and leadership game?
There has been a significant shift in consciousness on our planet, leaving many with a sense of loss, grief, mourning, displacement and seeking directionality for their lives moving forwards, into a much more uplifted space in 2022, which includes:
- a deeply contented and fulfilling life – no longer making compromises to yourself,
- a balanced way of being – and a healthy work/life balance,
- a life of impactful purpose and meaning,
aligned with your core values and higher self,
living and leading from a place of truth and open heartedness.
Here’s a little of my backstory, and why I am now offering you the opportunity to work with me in a totally fresh way in 2022. If this resonates and you are ready to, then take the first step that will support you in defining your new blueprint and to cross the threshold into a much more powerful and purposeful way of living and leading, truly connected to your authenticity and living on purpose:
I began practising yoga and meditation 17 years ago, in 2005, at a small yoga studio in Noordhoek, Cape Town. I was 28 years old then. The journey with yoga, initially as a physical practice, began translating into something of a practice ‘off the mat’ that I took with me into my life in general.
For example, when life placed me in difficult situations and positions (postures) that challenged me – and could easily take me off balance, or test my core strength and resolve – it gave me a fresh perspective and point of enquiry i.e. how did I relate to these events: both within myself, and when responding directly to the challenging situation itself?
Yoga, today, continues to be as vital as my very own breath, and is with me in each moment when I tune in, reminding me of the continued choice in each moment available – and the very power contained therein – of how I choose to exercise my response (or reaction) to life and work situations. Am I choosing to live from my higher self, or lower self, of old habitual patterns?
As these 17 years have passed, my inclination to lead a much more inwardly oriented life, in natural, peaceful surroundings that are supportive of my core values and love of simple, spacious and quiet living, has increased greatly. I choose to ‘stay out of the traffic’ i.e. the hustle and bustle, in order to maintain a high vibration of energy which I can then channel to being of the best use and service to others and my clients.
Today, and thanks to the awakening world around us, and some of the more sensible, supportive life and work choices I have thankfully woken up to, the practice of yoga as an entry portal, is an example of something readily available to most of us, and that opened me up to a much wider choice of holistic options that I choose to experience as a wholesome way of working and living. It was taking that first step, with open curiosity to discovering, and not knowing where it may would lead to, yet trusting in the process and following my intuition, that felt to be the important elements that got me going, even, and especially, in times of overwhelm and stress.
Today, having a home office, frees us 2 hours every day, now available to invest into quality me time, ensuring my optimal overall wellbeing. And I do this!
Why? For me, this translates directly into being a more optimal human being living and contributing to others and on the planet in accordance with my higher purpose. There are two recurring daily time slots – reserved for morning and afternoon wholesome, nourishing and mindful exercises/practices. This is fundamental and core to beginning and ending my ‘office work day’ with these personalised wellbeing activities. Call it the ‘bookends of my working day’.
Here are some examples of what works for me:
Gentle yoga that stretches and strengthens the entire being; creative writing and drawing; meditation and visioning practices; swimming; barefoot walking, in contact with earth and soil; conscious breathing, spiritual and devotional practices; engaging in reflective and inner work; preparing and eating nutritious food; playing with my cats in nature outdoors; sleeping well (like, 9 hours a night); reading, studying or watching inspirational and value-adding content; charitable and community-based work e.g. offering my spare time as a spiritual teacher and guide to others, in service of developing their higher selves; spending many hours in silence and quietude.
Over time, these daily choices have helped ensure that, whatever else may be going on in my life and in work as a whole, there is dedicated time well spent, and that facilitate bringing my state of being into equilibrium, peacefulness, centredness, living on purpose, and living aligned with my core values.
This does not always come easily, and I’m not without moments, days and times, when life gets and can be really, really challenging. No, I’m not saying that. What I have come to notice though, is that when the storms are billowing, and the dark clouds are overhead, I have a vessel prepared to navigate the tough weather and conditions, and can find shelter amidst the helter-skelter of the turbulence.
This, in a nutshell, is what I experience as the ‘inner work’ essential for me, as a human being, and leader, living and leading as consciously, mindfully as I am able to, given any week of the year.
Further, I have come to realise, that this is not a ‘side-line’ practice, but has become my mainstream way of being and living. It’s essential and irreplaceable to me now. And when I compromise, I feel the effects. And get back on track again. My intuition and wisdom, higher self, higher purpose, higher vibration of energy, a channel for higher states of love and consciousness are gifts firstly, to myself. And are now the place from which I work, teach, share, inspire and help others to access within themselves. This has come into being as my new blueprint and offering to the world.
I am soon going to be launching a new website, innerflow. And with it, offerings that are going to mine the depths and heights of each of my clients’ unique potential and gift, as an awakening human being, team player, community member and inspiring leader to themselves and others they are connected with.
- Do you have a regular daily practice that serves your wellbeing?
- Do you connect to your higher self, or source, and allow it to guide your life?
- Do you listen and respond to your intuition when it speaks to you?
- Do you need support and guidance to access this and develop ways to enhance your life?
- Do you need to re-charge and make some key choices and decisions?
Ready to explore how you can introduce new ways of raising your leadership game in ways that are natural, powerful and transformative; and tap into resources for greater influence on the world around you?
During 2022, there will be opportunity for you to sign up to attend transformative group sessions, workshops, retreats, speaking events, book launches, 1:1 coaching sessions, and tailored, personalised retreats.
Curious and interested?
Start with an exploratory 1:1 call. As a gift, I’m offering you a 30min free initial connection and clarification call until the end of March 2022 to assess your needs and see if I am the right support to you.
Book your 30 min connection call today.