Restoring your inner resources
Maintaining a sustainable footprint
As we come to the final stages and month of 2022, have you considered giving yourself the time and opportunity to restore your inner resources?
In an increasingly busy, dis-unified outer world, this takes its toll and has direct impact on our inner states of being – in our mind, body, emotions and subtle energies.
When you hold awareness of your inner being, and your state of being, you may feel into the residues of how 2022 has played out, and how this may have left you feeling and experiencing life.
Most of us get disconnected from our core, from our true nature, as our over-thinking, over-doing, focus on the external events and situations of life pull us outwards. We disconnect from our natural flow state, and the external efforts and energy expenditure can cause very real strain, sometimes even distress and disease if left unchecked.
There is a simple solution to all of this. The practice of exploring your inner reality, and giving attention to restoring your inner resources, and True Self.
“ The no.1 most requested practice I have been asked by my clients to practice with them in coaching sessions, on retreats, and workshops this year has been… going inwards and connecting with Presence and Self.”

Growing the strengths you need to handle whatever life and work throws your way.
Simple, powerful, profound.
Yet, how many of us actually make the time and discipline ourselves to do this as a daily habit?
One client, a busy senior leader in a corporate environment, was a stand-out example of applying the practice and tool. She took it upon herself to set her watch alarm 3 x times daily. This was so that, wherever she was, whatever she was busy with at that moment, she would literally STOP. Pause, and practice going inwards with a very simple guided exercise that I had given her to do.
After two weeks of practising, she reported back in her coaching session the positive impact this one single practise had made in her life: She was more present; more in touch with her thoughts, emotions, body; she breathed more deeply, and as a result it relaxed her stress levels; she was less anxious; she could reflect and think more objectively. In turn her outward actions were coherent and she was taking better decisions as a leader.
And, perhaps they most beneficial to her of all was, she noticed how she slowed down – her pace of life, work, expectations of others keeping up with her, all lessened. She was able to move at the pace of life moving, naturally, and began enjoying calibrating her energy and the cadence of her life differently. This spaciousness arose both internally and she began noticing how she was starting to live with more expanded sense of space and time for everything else going on in and around her world.
Her thirst and appetite grew for developing more of these inner resources; as she found immediate, direct benefits, all from applying a fundamental practice in micro-doses on a daily basis.
The more we practice going inwards, connecting with ourselves, coherence, peace and contentment flows from this into the rest of our day…
Personal & Spiritual Growth:
Two new innerflow retreats on offer from January 2023

Recently, retreatants have been coming to innerflow on personal growth, birthing their new blueprints for purpose retreats.
Re-connecting with themselves, their harmony, higher vibrations, has led to a closer attunement to themselves and their ongoing evolutionary needs.
It’s an alchemical experience. When you gather in, and bring together your energy, you open yourself to a divine portal of connection, and this opening, this re-birthing of a new self, is a new gateway to life.
And this requires a new learning, a new way, of living, taking care of your new priorities as life in the way you knew it to be, is replaced with a different current, a different frequency and vibration, now being emitted through you.
And so it has been my observation and experience working with people every day going through this experience, that the next levels of our physical and spiritual journeys are to pay attention to self-care, nourishment, cleansing and purification.
On all levels of our physical, mental, emotional and subtle-bodies.
We become more sensitive, as old layers are shed, and our new born-self needs to be fed and nurtured with utmost care and kindness. It can be akin to swaddling a newborn with the softest, purest blankets, protecting it from all possible outer interferences, as it needs the time to develop and grow into a healthy new being.
Each retreat, I work with others and their flow, and with nature’s flow to invoke the most beneficial, wholesome and healing state for my clients.
I am informed in this work from the direct feedback my clients provide.
And so, with this, a new offering for you:
Two new retreats, as the next stages for this alchemical process, to work on cleansing and restoring your inner resources and container (body as a sacred vessel).
Kundalini Care Retreat: 2 x nights Residential Weekend

a 1:1 spiritual retreat for those with kundalini awakenings and risings, needing support in managing the sometimes rather overwhelming experience of this; as well as making wholesome, nourishing and compassionate self-care and lifestyle choices to honour and cooperate with the divine unfolding process underway.
Sessions and programs include building knowledge about how life fundamentally and naturally changes when you are in an active kundalini rising process, with tools and guidance to support your unfolding process.
Elements of simple meditation, introduction to japa chanting, stillness, enquiry, mindful awareness of the authentic needs your unique process requires from you, clean living lifestyle guidance, reflective practices, gentle nature walks, rest, and large doses of compassionate self-care and love are all included in this retreat.
The Kitchen Healer: an Alkaline Cleanse & Detox Retreat:
2 x nights Residential

Simple, powerful inspiration from your kitchen.
Do you want to learn and explore how to get the most ‘prana’ and life force through what we choose to eat, how to prepare meals that nourish and provide sustainable energy, all through the love generated from the kitchen and clean-living choices?
This retreat is designed to assist you in learning about Plant Based diets, wholesome and whole-food choices, food as medicine, superfoods, and an alkaline-based diet.
a Retreat for those needing support and learning about making wholesome, nourishing meals, dietary self-care and lifestyle choices to honour and cooperate with their conscious living habits and routines. The kitchen healer: the journey to becoming a cleaner YOU.

Be exposed to making and trying out new menus, healing food types, conscious shopping options for your kitchen, and an explosion of new tastes, on an experiential journey through healing, Plant-based eating.
“The real life is your direct experience of the wise soul that’s charting the course of your life”— Elizabeth Peru
Venue: innerflow Private Retreat Centre, Blair Atholl Estate, Lanseria, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa (for more info visit:
“The experience of being in abundant nature and a safe environment, while connecting authentically with yourself, taking much needed time to focus in on your creative, spiritual and personal growth is a deeply fulfilling experience that will support you in moving into a vibrant, abundant and more purposeful life.”
Read more and book your retreat here:
Schedule a 1:1 connect call with Anita
Yours in restoring your Vibrant Wellbeing!